TM 5-2420-230-24-1
Maintenance & Service Manual
R & HR32000 3 & 6 Speed LD
Figure 265
Figure 268
Position 2nd speed clutch shaft pilot bearing on clutch shaft. A
Spread forward clutch front bearing locating ring. Position
light coat of grease will hold bearing in place. Install forward
converter housing to transmission housing. Tap housing into
and 2nd clutch in clutch disc hub being certain clutch disc hub
place using caution as not to damage clutch shaft oil sealing
is in full position in clutch discs.
rings. Do not force this operation.
Figure 266
Figure 269
Position new gasket and "O" rings on housing. A light coat of
Install bolts and washers, tighten to specified torque (see torque
grease will hold gasket and "O" rings in place.
Figure 270
Figure 267
Using a hammer puller as shown, pull forward clutch until front
Install alignment studs in transmission housing to facilitate con-
bearing locating ring is in full position in ring groove.
verter housing to transmission housing assembly.