TM 5-2420-230-24-2
Injection Pump Repairs (5-21)
Section 5 - Fuel System - Group 05
Page 5-48
B Series Shop Manual
10 mm
Hold the spring in the loaded position and install the lever.
NOTE: If the shutdown shaft slides into the housing, thread
the retaining screw into the shaft and slide the shaft to its
original position. Visually inspect the o-ring for distortion or
10 mm
Install the retaining screw making sure the spring aligns
to the hole in the lever.
Pressure Relief Valve and Sealing Washer
Replacement, Bosch P7100 (5-29)
The pressure relief valve arrangement on the Bosch P7100
injection pump in the supply side of the fuel circuit creates
a self-bleeding system for air introduced during replace-
ment of the supply side components.
A sticky or malfunctioning relief valve can result in engine
miss, low power or hard starting.
The Bosch P7100 injection pump has a jump-over tube to
route return fuel and entrapped air from the pressure
relief valve directly to the supply tank.