TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Hydraulic System
CAUTION: The approximate weight of bucket
cylinder is 261 kg (575 lb).
Bucket Cylinder--Specification
Weight............................................................ 261 kg (575 lb) approximate
10. Connect bucket cylinder (B) to hoist using a lifting
11. Remove nuts (K) and cap screw (L).
12. Take notice of washer (M) locations for assembly.
B--Bucket Cylinder
K--M20 Nut (2 used)
Remove bucket cylinder-to-arm pin (N). Remove
L--M20 Cap Screw
M--Washer (As Required)
N--Bucket Cylinder-to-Arm Pin
13. Repair or replace cylinder.
14. Install washers equally on each side of bucket
cylinder head end to get minimum amount of
clearance in joint.
15. Align pin bores so dust seals are not damaged as
bucket cylinder-to-arm pin is installed.
Install cap screw and nuts. Tighten nuts against each
other, not the retainer. Cap screw must be free to turn
in hole.
Bucket Cylinder-to-Arm Pin M20 Cap Screw--Specification
Torque ....................................................... 540 Nm (400 lb-ft) tighten nut
against nut, not the retainer
16. Connect hydraulic lines.
Continued on next page
CED,OUOE026,11 1918JUN984/5