TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Cylinder Head and Valves
Remember valve stem seals (A) are installed onto
exhaust valve stems (B) only.
Valves are marked on the head as follows: Intake ("I 30").
Exhaust ("E 30").
1. Apply AR44402 Valve Stem Lubricant or clean engine
oil to valve stems and guides.
NOTE: Exhaust valve stem oil shields will not seat on
Seal on Exhaust Valve Stem
valve guide tower; they ride up and down with
valve stem.
2. Install reconditioned or new valves in head.
Reconditioned valves MUST BE installed in same
location from which removed.
NOTE: Valve stems must move freely in guide bore and
seat properly with insert.
3. Install oil shield onto exhaust valve stem until shield
bottoms on valve guide tower.
Continued on next page