TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Fuel System
Disconnecting Injection Nozzle Line (Bosch "P" Pump Shown)
basic design and procedures are combined on the
CAUTION: Escaping diesel fuel under
following pages.
pressure can have sufficient force to
penetrate the skin, causing serious injury.
To test injection nozzles before removal, see Group
Before disconnecting lines, be sure to
105 of CTM134.
relieve pressure. Before applying pressure to
the system, be sure ALL connections are
1. Thoroughly clean area around injection pump and
tight and lines, pipes, and hoses are not
nozzles, including all line connections, using
damaged. Keep hands and body away from
compressed air.
pinholes and nozzles which eject fluid under
pressure. Use a piece of cardboard or wood,
IMPORTANT: On Bosch "P" pumps, JDE90
rather than hands, to search for suspected
Serrated Wrench (B) MUST BE used
to keep delivery valve fittings
stationary while loosening line nuts.
If ANY fluid is injected into the skin, it must
If a delivery valve and barrel housing
be surgically removed within a few hours by
rotates while loosening or tightening
a doctor familiar with this type injury or
a fuel line nut, injection pump must
gangrene may result. Doctors unfamiliar with
be recalibrated on a test stand. (On
this type of injury may call the Deere &
Nippondenso "A" pumps, use JDF22
Company Medical Department in Moline,
Crowsfoot Wrench to avoid turning
Illinois, or other knowledgeable medical
valve fittings.)
2. Disconnect injection line nuts (A) from injection
IMPORTANT: Cap or plug all fuel lines as they are
pump delivery valves as follows:
disconnected to prevent dirt and
debris from entering fuel system.
Use JD90 Serrated Wrench (B) and JDF22
Debris in fuel system can plug
Crowsfoot Wrench (C) or a standard 3/4-in. line
injectors which affects engine
wrench on Bosch "P" pumps
Use JDF22 Crowsfoot Wrench and 22 mm open
Injection nozzles on 6081 engines may be either
end wrench on Nippondenso "A" pumps
Bosch or Nippondenso. Both nozzles are of same
Continued on next page