TM 5-3805-281-24-2
Fuel System
1. Inspect lapped surface (A) on bottom end of nozzle
holder (B) for nicks or scratches. Replace holder if not
in good condition.
2. Inspect threads M19 x 0.75 (C), M6 x 1.0 (D), and M14
x 1.5 (E) on nozzle holder for general condition.
Threads that are nicked slightly may be "dressed-up".
Replace holder if threads cannot be restored to a
serviceable condition.
3. Check fuel passages in nozzle holder to make sure
they are open. Clean with compressed air.
4. Remove carbon deposits on both inner and outer
surfaces of nozzle retaining nut.
5. Inspect retaining nut for cracks caused by
overtightening or a damaged lower seating surface. A
seat may be restored by rubbing surface with emery
cloth. Any nozzle nut which cannot be reconditioned,
Inspecting Nozzle Holder
must be replaced.
A--Lapped Surface
B--Nozzle Holder
C--M19 x 0.75
D--M6 x 1.0
E--M14 x 1.5
Continued on next page