TM 5-2420-230-24-1
Remove drain plug and allow transmission oil to completely drain. Inspect drain plug and thoroughly clean with
cloth. If metallic particles are found, notify Direct Support maintenance.
Remove screen and gasket from side of transmission. Discard gasket.
Using a clean cloth, inspect and thoroughly clean, and install screen using new gasket. If metallic particles are
found, notify Direct Support maintenance.
b. Replacement.
Remove and discard transmission oil filters.
Ensure oil filter gasket surfaces on mounting heads are clean and free from old gasket material.
Lubricate new filter sealing gasket surfaces with light coat of oil, prefill oil filters with clean oil, and install oil
filters on mounting heads. Tighten in accordance with filter manufacturer's instructions.
c. Filling.
Using clean cloth, clean threads on oil drain plug and apply sealing compound.
Install and tighten oil drain plug.
Fill transmission with oil and check level.
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